Our mission is to celebrate and share God's love in Jesus Christ

Sunday Worship
We believe that God calls us into community by the power of the Holy Spirit. We gather for worship on Sunday at 8:15am and 11:00am. The 11:00 AM service is streamed live on Facebook and YouTube. We will be worshiping together as a community, interacting and responding to comments. Check out the links below for more info. You are welcome here!
Together we gather around God ’s Word, revealed in scripture, shared in music, and proclaimed in the gathered assembly. We listen for the Living Word that touches our lives, strengthens our hope and supports us in the work of God ’s mission.
Together we gather around signs of God ’s grace. We remember and celebrate the gift of Holy Baptism that joins us to the death and resurrection of Jesus. We share in Holy Communion. In the gifts of bread and wine we encounter the resurrected Christ, we are renewed in the forgiveness of sins, and we are nourished to serve others working for justice and peace.
Together we pray. We raise our voices in adoration. We humble ourselves in corporate confession. We offer thanksgivings. We make supplication understanding that God already knows everything that we need but acknowledging that holy conversation with God strengthens our relationships. In intercession we pray for the needs of others and the gift of creation.
Together we worship using a structure we call liturgy. The language of liturgy is rooted in scripture. Our liturgy follows a basic pattern: gathering, word, meal, and sending. We use different musical styles and seek opportunities to make liturgy meaningful and engaging.

Monthly Prayer Service
“I arise early in the morning and I cry out to you, I hope for your word. My eyes are open in the night watches,
that I may meditate upon your promise.” (Psalm 119:147-148)
St. Michael's gathers at 7am on the first Wednesday of every month (September through June) for prayer.
We are currently meeting in person as a small group in the narthex and virtually over Zoom (you can contact the church office for a link to the Zoom meeting).
Lutherans pray not because God is there to grant our wishes or do what we want—or as a way to offer platitudes in times of tragedy. We pray because we want to see what God is doing in the world. We pray because we want to join with God and with others in living out God’s love.
We pray because we want to be involved in how God works in people’s lives. We pray because we want God to be the center of our lives instead of ourselves. And these changes take place in us throughout our lives, in seasons of joy and struggle—“without ceasing.” (https://www.livinglutheran.org/2019/03/pray-without-ceasing/)